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    Verwenden Sie „of two sorts“ in einem Satz

    of two sorts Beispielsätze

    of two sorts

    1. The enumerated commodities are of two sorts ; first, such as are either the peculiar produce of America, or as cannot be produced, or at least are not produced in the mother country

    2. KEVALA KUMBHAKA Kumbhaka is of two sorts— Sahita and Kevala

    3. "Lies, my dear boy, are found out immediately, because they are of two sorts

    4. To sum up, in conclusion, that which can be summed up and translated into positive results in all that we have just pointed out, we will confine ourselves to the statement that, in the course of nineteen years, Jean Valjean, the inoffensive tree-pruner of Faverolles, the formidable convict of Toulon, had become capable, thanks to the manner in which the galleys had moulded him, of two sorts of evil action: firstly, of evil action which was rapid, unpremeditated, dashing, entirely instinctive, in the nature of reprisals for the evil which he had undergone; secondly, of evil action which was serious, grave, consciously

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